2021 Shared Cost Sidewalk Program Applications Open Jan. 11

The Shared Cost Sidewalk Program is a program that allows property owners to share the cost of sidewalk repair with the City. Thousands of Chicagoans have been a part of this popular program, and applications for the 2021 program will be open to new applicants on January 11, 2021 from 6:00 AM to 10:00 PM. Sidewalks that are applicable to this program are within the public right-of-way and may include the main walk, the sidewalk thru a driveway, the existing courtesy walk and existing landing steps. Sidewalks on private property will only be included if needed for transition purposes. All property owners with non-vaulted sidewalks are eligible to participate. Custom sidewalks (e.g., granite, colored, custom designs, etc.), vaulted sidewalks and private property sidewalks are not eligible to be included in the program. To apply for the program, either call 311 or submit a service request through www.cityofchicago.org/311. Applications will be taken on a first-come, first-served basis and the number of participants is based on the availability of funds. For more information, click here.