What is an MLS & Why is it important?
Regional MLSs help make access to housing inventory as accessible and equitable as possible for all real estate professionals in a given area! Instead of maintaining multiple subscription costs for competing MLSs, you can count on a single, reliable MLS for most of your residential listing needs.
An MLS also helps minimize fraud in the home-selling process, because in most states (like Illinois), only licensed agents can post a listing.
Your MLS: Midwest Real Estate Data
One of the most important member services the Chicago Association of REALTORS® has to offer our members is access to the multiple listing service. Midwest Real Estate Data (MRED) is the MLS of choice. MRED is where you will link to ConnectMLS, and Agent Metrics. Information on each of these programs will be found on the MRED site.
If you are new to MRED and the use of MLS services, register for the FREE MRED Training Classes. These classes offer you the best opportunity to become intimately familiar with the most important tools you will use in your new business. Online follow-up courses are also offered which will help enhance what you learn in the classes and ensure you understand the policies and procedures of the system’s use. Learn more about MRED here.
Tech Tools IncludeD With MRED
These are just a select few of the data tools at your disposal through MRED!

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