CEO Michelle Mills Clement Honored with Key Award For Exceptional Leadership

CEO Michelle Mills Clement has been honored with the 2021 American Society of Association Executives’ (ASAE) Key Award. Mills Clement was chosen based on her vocal support of fair housing and antiracism in our industry, her leadership within ASAE and Association Forum, and her other endeavors, including co-hosting the podcast Texts to Table: A Conversation About Race and Leadership. She is the 72nd recipient of the award, and the first Black awardee. The Key Award is presented to chief staff executives of associations who demonstrate exceptional qualities of leadership and a deep commitment to voluntary membership organizations. It is one of three Individual Honors for Exceptional Leadership Awards, which are presented to professionals who have demonstrated exemplary support of ASAE, the association community and society at large. “I’m blown away and grateful to be this year’s honoree, and it means even more that this is a direct recognition of my work from my industry peers,” Mills Clement said. ASAE represents more than 48,000 association executives and industry partners from 7,400 organizations. Mills Clement will receive this award during ASAE’s Annual Meeting & Exposition, August 13-18, 2021. Congratulations on this great honor!