Kudos to these members for making the most of their membership! Check out our leaderboards for members taking advantage of our educational and networking opportunities. Congratulations to you for continuing to develop your skills with CAR!
Committee Volunteers
Thank you to those of you who are so generous with your time and give back to our industry as committee volunteers. These members volunteer with the most committees.
Classes Attended
Our REALTORS® Real Estate School hosts so many classes, from pre-licensing to hot topics and designations, all designed to help you level up in your business. Kudos to these individuals for being so dedicated to developing their skills.
Event Attendance
We host over 100 events every year to help you connect with each other and grow your relationships and know-how. Not counting our board of directors, who make the time to go to most – here’s who learned and networked at the most events last year.
Designations Earned
These members hold designations to acknowledge their experience and expertise in the industry, showing off their skills, proficiency and knowledge. Here’s who holds the most in 2020.
Social Media Influencer
We love when you engage with us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn! A lot of virtual claps and heart eyes to our #1 social cheerleader this past year.