Eviction Moratorium Extended Until May 1


Governor Pritzker has extended the eviction moratorium another 30 days until May 1.

Continuing from the executive order from March 5, landlords must deliver to tenants a declaration that tenants may then execute and deliver back to landlords to trigger the protections of the moratorium. Under the declaration, the tenant must state that:

  1. they either expect to earn no more than $99,000 in annual income for calendar year 2020, was not required to report any income in 2019 to the U.S. Internal Revenue Service or  received an Economic Impact Payment pursuant to Section 2001 of the CARES Act
  2. they are unable to make a full rent or housing payment due to a COVID-19 related hardship
  3. they are making their best effort to make timely payments that are as close to the full payment as the individual’s circumstances may permit
  4. eviction would lead to homelessness

The most recent executive order includes the procedure that landlords must follow when serving their tenants with the declaration. Landlords must provide the declaration to their tenants at least five days prior to the issuance of a notice of termination of tenancy.

Read the full executive order here.