Chicago REALTORS® Foundation Scholarships FAQ

When and how will I know if I was approved for the scholarship?

The Chicago Association of REALTORS® Foundation Board of Trustees meet once every quarter. Every candidate will be notified within three weeks after the listed deadline date on the application.

How do I confirm my application was received and is complete?

You will receive a confirmation alert and email confirmation once you have successfully uploaded your application.

How do I reach the foundation if I have more questions?

If you have any questions, you can email

I don’t know a CAR member. How do I get the second letter of recommendation?

If you do not have your second letter signed by a Chicago Association of REALTORS® member, you can submit the letter within 3 months of your scholarship approval date in order to receive your reimbursement. The goal is to ensure you have connected with a fellow REALTOR® to help garner a more successful real estate journey.

When should I apply for the scholarship?

With the exception of the Veterans, Higher Education and Matt Silver scholarship, each candidate can apply for a scholarship at any time BEFORE you complete your course.

I am applying for you’re the Roadmap to REALTOR® scholarship. Will I need to become a member of CAR to receive this scholarship?

Yes. You are given three months AFTER your scholarship approval date to become a Chicago Association of REALTORS® member. For all other scholarships (with the exception of the Veterans scholarship), you must be either a primary, secondary member of immediate family member of a Chicago Association of REALTORS® member.

Are there any scholarships for the Residential Leasing Agent course?

Unfortunately, there are no scholarships offered for the Leasing Agent course.

How do I upload my video to the application?

Most recording platforms provide an option to share a video recording. Depending on your preferred recording platform (Youtube, cell phone, iPad, Dropbox, etc.) you can download your video submission and save the video and/or link on your device. You can upload your video link or direct download to our platform. Alternatively, you can add and save the video recording link onto a word document. Once you upload the word document to the application, our team can click on that link to view your submission.

What is the deadline for the scholarship?

You can view all quarterly deadlines on each scholarship page when applying for your preferred scholarship.

Can my scholarship deadline be extended if I don’t take my exam right away?

Unfortunately, no scholarships can be extended.

How often can I apply for a scholarship?

You are awarded only one scholarship per fiscal year. The Chicago Association of REALTOR’S® fiscal year is from October to September every year.

Can I reapply for the same scholarship if I allowed my last one to expire?

Yes, you can reapply but you will have to wait until the next fiscal year to re-apply.

Who approves my scholarship?

The Chicago Association of REALTORS® Foundation Board of Trustees.

On my application, if states “scholarship applicants might be strongly encouraged to attend a Quarterly Trustee Meeting as part of the application process.” How will I know if I am asked to meet the Trustees and is this mandatory?

You will be contacted by Chicago Association of REALTORS® staff if the Board of Trustees would like to speak with you about your journey. This will be a requirement in order to receive your scholarship.