Did you know that there is a program designed to keep issues important to the real estate industry top of mind for your Congressional legislators? The Illinois REALTORS® Federal Political Coordinators help protect your interests by establishing and maintaining relationships with specific members of Congress. The Federal Political Coordinators stay in touch in the Congressional member’s home district here in Illinois and in Washington, D.C., to advocate for the bills that matter. FPCs also push for amendments or a stop to legislation that may hurt REALTORS® or their clients. The Federal Political Coordinators make a difference every day for your business.
C.A.R. has several members who volunteer as Federal Political Coordinators to fight for our industry in D.C. and here in Illinois.
Nykea Pippion McGriff, Dream Town, is the Federal Political Coordinator for District One Representative Bobby Rush. Active in the local and state associations, she was appointed an FPC after attending the Midyear Legislative Meetings in 2013. “I’m always trying to understand real estate beyond just the transaction,” she said. “It’s a whole other world, and it’s a big assignment to advocate on behalf of REALTORS® and the REALTOR® party.”
Being an FPC entails more than meeting with Representative Rush a few times a year. McGriff makes an effort to stop by events his office hosts and say hello on behalf of C.A.R. and NAR. “It’s a lot of face time,” she said. “Building a relationship with his staff has made my life so much easier, and I try to pop in regularly.” About once a month she’ll talk to his Chief of Staff, and about once a week she’ll touch base with his Housing Director.
“I love knowing the mechanics of what affects us,” McGriff said. “It’s an addiction!”
Find Your FPC
The map below is your guide to Chicago’s legislators and the FPCs who engage with them on your behalf. At the Midyear Legislative Meetings and Trade Show held in Washington, D.C., in May, the FPCs met with their representatives to talk about
property tax exemptions,
flood insurance and the
mortgage interest deduction, among other important issues, like
gfees and
FHA condo reform. Click on each of these issues to find out more information.
District 1
FPC Nykea Pippion McGriff
Rep. Bobby Rush
District 2
FPC Tonya Corder
Rep. Robin Kelly
District 3
FPC John C. Kmiecik
Rep. Daniel Lipinski
District 4
FPC Sonia Anaya
Rep. Luis Gutierrez
District 5
FPC David Hanna
Rep. Mike Quigley
District 6
FPC Pat Callan
Rep. Peter Roskam
District 7
FPC Cedrick Hunter
Rep. Danny Davis
District 8
FPC Bob Dohn
Rep. Tammy Duckworth
District 9
FPC Marilyn Glazer
Rep. Jan Schakowsky
District 10
FPC Patrick Dalessandro
Rep. Bob Dold
District 11
FPC John Gregory
Rep. Bill Foster