Hispanic Heritage Month: Resources, Events & More!

“The idea for Hispanic Heritage Month, celebrated throughout the latter half of September and the first half of October, began as a way to promote the history, culture, and contributions of Hispanic-Americans. Communities mark the achievements of Hispanic and Latino Americans with festivals and educational activities.” Source: National Today

Why is Hispanic Heritage Month celebrated in the middle of the month?

September 15, the first day of Hispanic Heritage Month, is the anniversary of the independence of Latin American countries El Salvador, Guatemala, Costa Rica, Nicaragua and Honduras. Also, the independence days of Mexico and Chile fall on September 16 and September 18, respectively. Dia de la Raza, or Columbus Day, also falls within this month, on October 12.

Learn more about the history of the month at:

Attend the D77 Community Meetup

Connect with your peers and support a local establishment at our D77 Meetup on Tuesday, September 24. We’re getting together at Healthy Substance Kitchen, a Hispanic-owned vegan restaurant!

Ways to Celebrate Around Town

Check out a full list of celebrations from Choose Chicago!

Listen to Our Favorite Music, Submitted by Chicago REALTORS®!

Hispanic Homeownership statisticsHispanic Heritage Month

Barriers for Hispanic homeownership

  • Home price appreciation challenges
  • Affordability challenges that price out middle-class families
  • Low inventory
  • Rise in interest rates
  • Student loan debt
  • Multiple offers competition
  • Investor impact on the market

Opportunities for Hispanic homeownership

  • Latinos are willing to move to lower-cost areas
  • A large share of Latinos are willing to take on co-borrowers to achieve homeownership
  • Increase in special purpose credit programs

Learn more about the current Hispanic homeownership rate and its impact on the real estate industry. This information was gathered from NAHREP’s 2023 State of Hispanic Homeownership Report.

Celebrating Our Current & Past Leaders

Get to Know Our INdustry Partner nahrep Chicago

NAHREP Chicago is The Voice for Hispanic Real Estate® and a proud champion of homeownership for the Hispanic community in and around Chicago, Illinois. This chapter provides community outreach, industry educational and business networking events.

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