January 2019 Real Estate Features from WBBM

Each month, we release a series of PSAs through WBBM Radio to help home buyers and sellers make informed real estate decisions. Each episode includes specialty advice from real estate experts, voiced by past president Matt Silver, Urban Real Estate. We encourage you to share these with your clients.

Tax Rates and the Economy – Why it’s the Perfect Time to Buy

Is your client hesitant to buy due to rising interest rates and property taxes? Here’s why there’s no time like the present to make their home purchase.

Smart Home Technology Upgrades to Increase Home Value

Smart home technology can increase a home’s value and appeal to buyers. Before your clients put their homes on the market, here are a few quick and inexpensive smart home tech upgrades they should consider.

Generational Differences and Trends in Home Buying and Selling

What appeals to one generation of buyers may not appeal to the next. Here are the generational differences clients should consider when buying or selling their home.