New 2021 Residential Lease & Security Deposit Interest Rates Now Available

The 2021 Chicago Residential Lease is now available on our Forms & Contracts webpage. The 2021 version includes the 2021 Security Deposit Interest Rate Sheet published by the City of Chicago, and the lease has been updated to reflect the new Fair Notice Amendment to the CRLTO. The Chicago Residential Lease is an excellent member benefit for all Chicago REALTORS® and their landlords.  This lease is vetted each year by practitioners and attorneys to ensure compliance with Chicago ordinance.  It is well recognized by judges and attorneys across the city, and we highly recommend use without alteration. Members should cease using any earlier version of the Chicago Residential Lease. Ensure you are using the new lease, which is editable, available here. The 2021 Exclusive Rental Listing Agreement is also available to download on our Forms & Contracts page. This Agreement is updated to include the 2021 Security Deposit Interest Rate Sheet. Review the new state and City of Chicago security deposit interest rates here. Please note the 2020 lease document was designed to expire at midnight on Dec. 31. This was meant to protect members from using old leases, which could cause liability to themselves and/or their clients.