Our Statement of Support for Ukraine [Log-In Required]

Dear Chicago REALTORS®, We express our support to the entire Ukrainian community and condemn the unprovoked attacks currently challenging its liberty, democracy and freedom. As REALTORS®, we know intimately the importance of “home.” Millions of Ukrainian residents have been abruptly displaced from their households, separated from their families and had their properties destroyed, among a variety of other unjustified actions. People of color are facing acts of racism while attempting to flee the country and connect with critical resources needed for survival. Common humanity must prevail. Our hearts go out to those who have been displaced by these attacks, as well as those on the front lines defending Ukraine and democracy around the globe. Over 50,000 Ukrainians call Chicago home, and a significant percentage of Chicago REALTORS® are native to Eastern Europe, many with deep-rooted Ukrainian heritage. Our association, including our Global Real Estate Council, proudly partners with numerous entities to connect you and your business with worldwide opportunities. “We are one global community, and need to come together in our shared humanity to bring peace to all,” Aaron Masliansky, the Global Real Estate Council Chair, said. We’re encouraged by Chicago and the world’s response as we all come together as an amplified voice to support democracy.


Get involved with the following organizations to support humanitarian actions.
We continue to stand unified and hope for peace for everyone affected by this violence.