YPN Mastermind: How to Stay Productive – Even In the Midst of a Pandemic

Since the governor issued stay at home orders, REALTORS® around the country have been facing the challenge of how to stay productive while their world has turned upside down. Here are seven tips from our YPN Masterminds Series on ways you can stay productive during this time.

Focus on staying positive

A positive mental outlook can help feed your creativity and your overall health. It’s much more difficult to stay productive and in business if you have to fight your negative energy.

Develop a list of “must accomplish” tasks

To-do lists can be the silver bullet when you’re faced with overwhelming challenges. Start each day by planning out what needs to get done and work on each task one at a time. This will not only help you stay organized, but it will also help you see how much you are getting down when it may not feel like your not making much headway.

Carve out “ideation time” to grow your business

Businesses grow from new ideas. Spend time to think about big picture ideas. Working from home doesn’t mean your business cannot continue to grow.

Multi-task by playing webinars or podcasts during downtime

Restless with your downtime? There are many ways you can work – even when you’re not doing things that feel like work. Listening to podcasts can help feed your creativity while you’re doing things like working out or doing household chores. At worst you get nothing of value from them, at best you can get new ideas to grow your business.

Build your schedule around family

Time management can be difficult when you’re working from home and you have kids. Consider shifting what your workday looks like. If 9 to 5 isn’t working for you, set your working hours to the times of the day when you can get work done – like nap time or breakfast.

Check in on your clients

When all else fails, there’s never a bad time to build rapport with your clients. Spend this time by focusing on the core of your business: helping your clients by checking in on them and seeing what they need.

MRED classes and free NAR classes

If there’s ever been a good time to boost your knowledge, it’s now. There are myriad classes – both free and paid – available for you to take online. Now is a great time to turn some of your weaknesses into strengths.