Marketing Tools

Marketing Resources

Marketing is the key to success in any business. A revamped marketing plan may be just what you need to attract more clients. Here we have gathered a wealth of resources for you to do just that.

Marketing Articles

Check out this collection of articles written just for REALTORS®.

Reference Guides

These reference guides are designed for you to download a keep as a valuable resource.  

REALTOR® Magazine Online Resources

The National Association of REALTORS® has an extensive library of marketing articles, tools & techniques. We’ve picked a few popular links here for your benefit.

Handouts for Consumers

Personal Marketing

Write Ads That Sell

Prospecting: Key laws to Know


REALTOR® Guide to Dominating Google

Field Guides

The National Association of REALTORS® has done your research for you. When you are looking for information regarding a subject take advantage of this one stop resource. Field guides include links to articles, books, websites, statistics & more.

Links to choice field guides: