Spring 2022: Association News

President-Elect Sarah Ware Recognized For Eight Years On the Cook County Land Bank Authority

On Friday, December 10, 2021, CAR President-Elect Sarah Ware performed her final duties as an eight-time director with the Cook County Land Bank Authority (CCLBA). The CCLBA is charged with taking control of vacant properties and expediting acquisition for purchasers seeking to upgrade and restore the properties. Ware was an inaugural director appointee. Excluding current CCLBA Chairwoman and Cook County Commissioner Bridget Gainer, Ware is the last of the original set of appointees to serve on the board. Thank you for your service, Sarah!

Kristopher J. Anderson Awarded NAHREP’s Industry Affiliate of the Year

Director of Government & External Affairs Kristopher J. Anderson was awarded the Industry Affiliate of the Year from the National Association of Hispanic Real Estate Professionals (NAHREP) Chicago. This President’s Award was presented by outgoing NAHREP Chapter President Robert Padron. Anderson was honored for his lobbying efforts on behalf of NAHREP Chicago, one of CAR’s Industry Partners. Our government affairs professionals are available to our industry partners to monitor legislation at various levels of government and report potential threats and updates to the membership. Congratulations, Kristopher!

Chicago REALTORS® Raise $ 1,040 for the Salvation Army’s Housing & Community Services

On Thursday, December 9, 2021, the CAR Foundation Trustees and Chicago REALTORS® volunteered at kettle locations across Chicago to raise money for the Salvation Army housing and community services. The kettle funds raised combined with the Foundation’s match brought the total amount donated to $1,040! Thank you to everyone who volunteered to make a difference during the holiday season!