The Boys and Girls Club is an incredible organization that’s involved with helping kids everyday, by providing meals and after school care, and we’re part of the process…We couldn’t be more happy or more honored. Kids are our future. REALTORS® are all about making great communities and making sure that quality of life is important for all of us in the years to come. – Dan Wagner, 2015-2016 president of the Chicago Association of REALTORS®Check out the photos on Facebook and the video below for a snapshot of our day:
And, we are still collecting school supplies through the end of August for the upcoming school year. Donations will be accepted at C.A.R.’s Central and West Towns offices, the remaining YPN Breakfast program (August 31st), and select YPN members’ offices. If you would like to donate, please click here for a full list of office locations where donation bins will be available. Thank you for helping us provide supplies for students in need!
Here’s How We’ve Made a Difference Thus Far
The National Association of REALTORS® has teamed up with the Boys and Girls Clubs of America to make a real impact in the lives of our children. Chicago REALTORS® have risen to the occasion, every time we’ve asked, through donations and volunteering. Here’s a run-down of our year:Summer 2015
At NAR’s kickoff event to announce the partnership, the Chicago Association of REALTORS® presented a $10,000 donation to the BGCA. The check, presented to 2015-2016 NAR President Tom Salomone, Four-Time Heavyweight Boxing Champion and BGCA supporter Evander Holyfield and BGCA Chairman Emeritus Ron Gidwitz by 2015-2016 C.A.R. President Dan Wagner of the Inland Real Estate Group of Companies, Inc., was the first pledge from any Association. In his presentation speech, President-Elect Wagner noted that “we’re not only organizing local outreach and volunteer efforts with the Chicago club, we’re also making a financial donation, too.” Read more & watch the check presentation.
Winter 2015
C.A.R.’s YPN hosted a ‘Give Back’ day at the Union League Boys & Girls Club. Sixty kids between the ages of 11 and 16 enjoyed pizza, chips, drinks and games, while YPNers answered questions about pursuing a career in real estate. Check out the photos.
Spring 2016
The C.A.R. Foundation sponsored the Union League Boys & Girls Clubs’ Youth of the Year awards ceremony in February, in addition to the Boys & Girls Clubs of Chicago Youth of the Year awards ceremony in March.