The National Association of REALTORS® is teaming up with the Boys and Girls Clubs of America to ensure that our children continue to have a bright future. As a Chicago REALTOR®, there are many ways you can get involved, including donating money, your time or school supplies for our upcoming drive!
The partnership between REALTORS® and the Boys & Girls Clubs of America is a perfect fit, as both are integral to the community. In working together we can make a real impact in the lives of Chicagoland’s children.
We’re fundraising on behalf of the Boys & Girls Clubs of Chicago and the Union League Boys & Girls Club to help give Chicago’s youth a bright future. At the NAR Leadership Summit last August, C.A.R. presented a $10,000 donation to the Boys & Girls Clubs of America. The check, presented to NAR President Tom Salomone, Four-Time Heavyweight Boxing Champion and BGCA supporter Evander Holyfield and BGCA Chairman Emeritus Ron Gidwitz by C.A.R. President Dan Wagner of the Inland Real Estate Group, was the first pledge from any Association. Now, it’s your turn! You can give by
clicking here and selecting “Boys & Girls Club Donation” on the Program drop-down menu. YPN will also be collecting donations at all their events this year.
Donate Today
Boys & Girls Clubs of America volunteers serve a critical role by motivating youth, ages 6-18, to reach their full potential as productive, responsible, and caring citizens. These caring adults spend quality time interacting with Club members fostering a safe, fun environment centered on supportive relationships.
Daily programming varies by Club location but volunteers generally assist in the program areas of:
- Character & Leadership
- Education & Career
- Fitness & Sports
- The Arts
- Health & Life Skills
More Information: Boys & Girls Clubs of Chicago |
Volunteer for the Boys & Girls Clubs of Chicago
More Information: Union League Boys & Girls Club |
Volunteer for the Union League Boys & Girls Clubs
Boys & Girls Clubs Locations
School Supplies
In an effort to support the Boys and Girls Clubs of Chicago and Union League Boys and Girls Clubs, we are collecting Back to School supplies for the upcoming school year. Donations will be accepted at C.A.R.’s Central and West Towns offices, the remaining YPN Breakfast programs (June 29
th, July 27
th and August 31
st), and select YPN members’ offices. If you would like to donate, please
click here for a full list of office locations where donation bins will be available. Thank you for helping us provide supplies for students in need!
Donate School Supplies
Learn more about the Boys & Girls Club: