Government Affairs Forums: Get Connected

What are Government Affairs Forums? Forums are your opportunity to: Learn about the issues that impact the real estate industry. Stay up to date on the advocacy efforts that C.A.R. […]

Proposed Changes to the Chicago Zoning Bonus Ordinance

On Thursday, Feb. 18, 2016, Mayor Rahm Emanuel announced an initiative to further drive neighborhood development. The proposal seeks to reform an existing ordinance to allow developers to obtain additional square […]

A Cloud Tax Win for REALTORS®

  We’re pleased to announce that coordinated efforts between the Chicago Association of REALTORS®, our fellow local REALTOR® Associations, IAR and MRED were successful in attaining a positive Private Letter […]

CCRD’s Free Property Fraud Alert Program

Property and recording fraud is one of the fastest-growing white collar crimes, and is a growing threat to REALTOR® clients. In response, Cook County Recorder of Deeds Karen A. Yarbrough has […]

C.A.R. Reaffirms Commitment to Fair Housing

The Chicago Association of REALTORS® (C.A.R.) joins our parent organizations, IAR and NAR, in affirming our commitment to and support of Fair Housing. C.A.R. provides training and resources for all its […]

City Hall Day Recap

On Thursday, September 24, C.A.R. held a City Hall Day, with REALTORS® on-hand, to support the following initiatives. We will keep you informed as to any updates or developments. Introduction of […]

Property Tax Assessment Appeals

Property tax assessments have been going out since the beginning of the year, and owners have just 30 days to appeal these notices. We’re seeing a dangerously high increase in […]

Chicago Residential Landlord Tenant Ordinance

Update – April 2016   From August 2015: We want to provide judges in Chicago judicial discretion to decide the penalty if a landlord violates the Chicago residential landlord ordinance, […]

2015 Election Results – Your RPAC Dollars at Work!

Election Results 43 races received RPAC funding in the April elections $300,000 spent 97% success in the primary 75% success in the run-off Why RPAC? Consider RPAC your best investment […]

Legislative Update- August 2015

View this video for an overview of legislative items that we are working for on your behalf. Topics covered include: Personal Property Lease Transaction Tax (“Cloud Tax”) Chicago Residential Landlord […]

City Releases New ARO Map & Rules

Update – April 2016     From August, 2015: The City of Chicago releases the new map and rules for implementation of the Affordable Requirements Ordinance (ARO). The City of […]

C.A.R. & DRB’s Legislative Symposium Recap

On Tuesday, July 28, 2015, the Chicago Association of REALTORS® (C.A.R.) and the Dearborn REALTIST® Board (DRB) co-hosted a Legislative Symposium for the City of Chicago’s City Council Black Caucus […]