Women in Tech: The Data Trends You Need to Know | Rebecca Jensen, Dr. Jessica Lautz & Rebecca Thomson

Newsletters, podcasts and MRED resources for you: the Women in Tech panel was chock full of tools REALTORS® can use to enhance their client experience. “There was a need in the real estate industry to make technology easy,” Rebecca Jensen, president and CEO of MRED, said. “NAR was the only one doing something about that. MLS organization came forward and put their skin in the game too.” Jessica Lautz, vice president of demographics and behavioral insights at NAR, attributes some of the changes in real estate to the influence mass media has had on the industry. “Sellers actually expect help preparing their home to sell,” she said. “Thanks to HGTV distorting perceptions of homes, it’s changing the way business is happening.” She cautioned against some common prejudices when it comes to new technology. “The biggest mistake people make is assuming generational differences determine how connected your clients are.” Don’t assume an older buyer will inherently be unfamiliar with emerging technology, and a young buyer will. The panel echoed and reiterated Freedman’s point about real estate shifting from a transaction to an experience. For Jensen, it’s vital to “have a fundamental giving attitude when you’re talking to [a buyer/seller].”